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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Think And Grow Rich

I had mentioned somewhere in an earlier post that I would be doing a review two very, very powerful books. Well, I'm glad to say this is a review of the first one, and the second book that I will be telling you about, coincides with this particular book. In fact, I use them together as a reference point, and before you read any further, you must understand that these two books can be found in any successful person's library. That is to say, that when these books are used in such a fashion that they are working with each other, they become a sort of bible for those who aspire for something more than they currently have.

Think and grow rich is the first book that I would like to talk about, and many in every field have devoured its contents. A lot of people believe that the key to wealth is defined by some great, elusive secret. This great secret has taken on such a facade that it almost has the quality as the big "meaning of life" question. Well that's somewhat true, but as you probably guessed it, becoming prosperous in your life depends on many factors. Those factors can always be boiled down easily to one key word, knowledge. There is on magnificent secret that revolves around all of the collected secrets, and that secret is exactly what Think and grow rich is about. I've got two words for you. Actually a name. Andrew Carnegie, the billionaire industrialist/philanthropist that many have come to love, even years after his passing. This man knew the biggest secret to living a truly awesome life, and he planted the idea of sharing this secret with a young man by the name of Napoleon Hill. Hill had spent a number of years trying to get into the minds of the extremely well to do, but it wasn't until he had a personal meeting with Carnegie, that he would know the one true secret to success. Andrew Carnegie knew in his heart that it was wrong to
covet the knowledge that great men have known for centuries, and so he commissioned Mr. Hill to write a book based on the principles of success.

After reading it, I realized just how powerful the book really is, and I can remember when I found a copy of it. It somehow surfaced out of my father's own private collection of books, and I thoroughly remember the energy that was omitted from the cover. No, there's nothing particularly impressive about the cover of the book, or at least the copy that I had, but you have to understand that its one of those things where once it is mentioned the first time to you, it will keep showing up in your life until you actually read it. That's actually an understatement,
because it will continue to be referenced throughout your life. I actually stumbled upon a blog the other day that was started by a super affiliate, and the blog was designed around the book. It was truly awesome, as he decided to break down the chapters, post by post.

Now, you have noticed that I have not talked a lot about the book's contents, but the truth is that there is a necessity for the secretiveness that follows the book. No, its not that anyone is hiding anything - you can buy this book anywhere, its just that to tell you anything about it here, would be to spoil its wonderful contents. I was in a Barnes and Noble a few months ago, waiting in line to purchase something, and I noticed a girl about 15 years old, standing in line just ahead of me. She had two books in her hand. I couldn't make them out, because of the way the light was bouncing off of them, but then she turned just enough, and I could make out the titles just well. The top book was, you guessed it, Think and grow rich, while the other book was the
very piece of literature that I am going to surprise you with next. It was the book that goes hand in hand with Think and grow rich. A pleasant chill went down my spine, and though I am not very old myself, I was ecstatic to see someone so much younger than myself, interested in something so much more powerful than slumber parties and Hannah Montana ;)

There is a really great thing happening right now that many people are not aware of. It is widely accepted that my generation is out of touch and will not be able to take care of themselves. It is almost set in stone that they will most certainly drop the ball. I believe that this is true to a good
degree, but I also keep hearing about people who are in their early 20's who own their own businesses and homes. That is pretty amazing, but I know that you can't do it all on your own. You must have the power of knowledge, and the birth of this kind of knowledge is in Think and grow rich, and I also know that the girl that I saw that day in Barnes and Nobel, if she chooses to use that knowledge, will be well on her way to a wonderful life.

Think and grow rich is a must read and I give it a huge shout out.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, it's funny, dad always told me about think and grow rich, I have a copy of it, Erica sells it, and I have yet to actually read it myself. But I have read "How to win friends and influence people" and swear by it.

Excellent post.