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Monday, January 1, 2007

RSS - What is it and how do I use it?

RSS is a really simple way to stay connected with websites that you like. In fact, the term RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". This syndication uses something called a "Feed" or "RSS Feed" which is essentially a link that you can tap into, in order to receive automated content, delivered directly to a Reader.

The Reader

The Reader is where all the good stuff happens. Its basically like your email's inbox, and continues to collect constantly updated material. It allows you to stay informed where you choose to do so. Setting up a reader is very easy and can be done with most any web browser, and some readers will allow feeds to be delivered to your desktop.

This little image here has become the universal sign for a feed. You'll even notice on my blog. With a simple click of either the image or text that reads "subscribe in a reader", you can stay up to date with your favorite sites. Its like an active bookmark that keeps you connected. This is especially useful if you have recently discovered a great site, bookmarked and forgot about it. Well now you don't have to forget about it.

You can subscribe to the official Blog Shoutz feed in the top, right hand corner of this blog. You also have the option of subscribing by way of email, which is perfectly safe. No spamming - I promise. You will receive updates everytime I post to this site, and if it starts to get irritating, you can simply unsubscribe.