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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog Shoutz Launched!!

This is the first ever and official post of Blog Shoutz, so I'd like to take the time to talk about what this blog will be accomplishing.

What is a blog?

If you are unfamiliar with the concept of a blog you shouldn't feel bad, because there are still a lot of internet surfers who have either stumbled upon a blog and never realized that it was a blog, or who have never seen nor heard of a blog.

A blog is no different than any other website. The term blog stems from the original title for the concept, web log. The idea of a web log or blog, was originally to
put the power of news into the hands of the every day person. Its sort of like an online journal or gazette, where a blogger can efficiently and affectively post daily articles about what's going on in their lives or the world.

There are so many approaches to blogging. Some bloggers blog about themselves, keeping an online journal of what they are up to. Some bloggers blog about the news and work their butts off to keep up with the constantly changing world. Some bloggers
focus on technology, doing reviews of advancements for the bettermeant of mankind. I myself maintain another blog called GuitArticles
which is a guitar instructional blog. So as you can see, the concept of a blog encompasses many approaches. However, there is one thing that I have noticed. The niche. All blogs have a niche. With GuitArticles my niche is obviously guitar, and believe me when I say that there are a lot of guitar blogs.

Something different

I decided to do something different with this blog, or at least different for me. I've always wanted to create a blog that has a very massive niche, and so I have created Blog Shoutz.

The content

The content of Blog Shoutz will revolve around a variety of subjects. I plan to cover the news periodically, but only positive news, considering that there are way more positive developments being made in the world than negative. I really don't understand the addiction of negativity that man chooses to follow. So I choose to be different. That's not all! I will also do an occassional review of technological advancements to show just how awesome mankind can be, when we work for the bettermeant of each other. This blog will also feature a section entitled "great lives", where I will give a shout out to men and women who have changed our lives and the world as we know it. Considering that this will be a very intellectual blog, I will most certainly do the occassional book review as well.

If this sounds good to you, then please support and help me to deliver shoutz where they are rightfully deserved to travel. To you I simply say, "peace and well being".

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