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Monday, January 1, 2007


Blog Shoutz is a blog that gives credit where credit is due. With this blog I will continue to feature a variety of information on blogs, news, technology and culture. That is to say, this blog covers quite a list of intellectual properties.

How to properly use Blog Shoutz

Blog shoutz can be quite a resourceful tool to keep up with what's going on in the world. If you want to get the best out of this site, I would suggest browsing through the archives for some articles that you may have missed. If you want to keep up to date with current information that comes from Blog Shoutz, you'll probably want to subscribe to the official Blog Shoutz RSS feed.

What is an RSS feed?

Ah! so glad you asked, because I have written a very complete article on the purpose and use of an RSS feed. That article can be found here.

Subcribing via email

If you would rather subscribe by way of email, you will find a special form that appears in the top right corner of this blog. You will receive periodic Blog Shoutz in your inbox. It is essentially an RSS feed that is sent to your email instead of in a reader. You don't have to worry about invasion of privacy, since it is very legit and these email feeds are quite popular with some very respectful blogs. It is not spam, but if you ever get tired of receiving updates about Blog Shoutz, you can simply unsubscribe.