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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Multiple Streams Of Income

I have always been a big reader and like many who favor the power of word over the monotonous rays of a television screen, I constantly find myself studying things of varying nature.

Wealth and prosperity has always been a fascination to me and so studying it ferociously has always been a natural step. For those who say that the idea of harvesting a great deal of money is not a top priority, I only need remind them of the topics that their conversations revolve around. You know what I'm talking about. Those sentences that spew from people's mouths that revolve around a lacking of funds. The question is, does it always have to be this way? The answer surely is, if you feel that it is life's "destiny" then yes, it will always be that way for you. What if you took a chance though? what if you entertained the idea that becoming wealthy was really in your power? what would you do during this time of great exploration?

I've been on this journey for a while now and am making headway. I get off track a little, but with the proper, positive influence and guidance - its possible to stay on track.

My favorite quote is by Joseph Campbell who said quite simply "Follow your bliss and doors will open". How beautiful is that? Is it really that hard to follow our passions and trust that they will reward us ten fold? I choose to say that it isn't that hard. I have spent a good number of years reading some amazing pieces of literature, and eventually I will have the opportunity to share all of these with you. A lot of the books that I have read have remained on the book shelves of the most wealthy of men for the majority of the last century.

What is the secret to great success?

Well, I myself am still learning, but then again - the entirety of ones life is the ultimate learning lesson. I am not ashamed to say that I am still in the process of this great education, but instead of pretending that I already know everything, I would much rather like to bring people on board. Blog Shoutz is a great opportunity for both of us. It will continue to allow me to share and will allow those who find unique content here, to learn.

A great book

As I stated before, I have ready many, many books on making money and improving the quality of life. The best book on this subject matter that I have read so far, is a book called Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen. Robert Allen is, well, lets just say a very rich guy. Allen made his fortune in real estate very early on in his wealth seeking journey. His business endeavors stretch far and wide and above all, he is an absolute business genius. You may have heard of another book that he worked on called The One Minute Millionaire. That book was all about the mindset of the millionaire and I highly recommend it as well. I however, would suggest reading Multiple Streams of Income as soon as possible. In fact I would even go so far as to say, read it again, and then read it some more. I myself, just started re-reading it.

In Multiple Streams of Income, Allen speaks about the mindset, but most importantly he focuses on the power of a single unit of money. He shows you how you can fight back the daunting debt that you may be mercy to, without destroying yourself in the process, and all the while using what capital you have. He shows you how a simple dollar a day can lead to millionaire status. There is a whole section on how to invest wisely without disrupting your life, both financially and mentally. There is even a section that revolves around his specialty, real estate.

I mentioned before that you may want to re-read the book several times through, and I said that, because this is not a book that leads you along. Let's put it this way. If you were taking notes at one of Robert Allen's seminars, you would go through several note books and they would probably catch fire from the momentum of your pencil. Ok, that sounded a little dramatic and Jack-Blackish, but seriously. This is good stuff. I keep a note book of everything that I jotted down next to my copy of Multiple Streams of Income, and if you were to flip the book open, you would notice line after line, of neatly high-lighted passages.

Allen really is a genius and he has become one of my personal heroes. He's just a
really great guy. His soul mission now is to create an army of millionaires and believe me when I say that he is efficiently doing this. I must leave, but I wanted to give a quick shout out to this truly influential book. I did find a great video that features a bit of the Robert Allen spirit and philosophy. Check it out below.

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