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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Harvest Moon

Last night was the Harvest moon and man was it spectacular. I'm sure that things can be quite chaotic at times in your life, and the same is certainly true of my life. That's why its important to take joy in everything that is around us. People often times forget that all the beauty in the world is both within themselves as well as outside of themselves. I've met many people in my life who would think that what I just said would officially declare me a hippie, and that's just as well. I feel bad for the person who cannot find peace in observing the magnitude of awesome creation that's all about. I say this, because the next time that things are uncertain in your life, study what is so simple about mother nature. Really ponder over it and you will know a specific kind of assurance. I promise.

The Birth Of The Moon

Its that pie in the sky that we take for granted the most. Its always there and we forget to simply look up. Hopefully I can get you to use the moon as something to look forward to every night, with what I am about to tell you.

The moon is ancient. Many things in the universe are, but in comparison to the earth, it is really, insanely old. It is true, the physical properties of the earth were here first, but the creation of the moon's purpose is what really defines our existence as a species. Scientists now have come to the understanding of how the moon was created, and the moon's conception is quite glorious.

Scientists believe that a planet about the size of Mars went astray, and was heading in the direction of the collection of nothingness that was once earth. This planet struck earth at an odd angle and with an extreme velocity, that spun our planet, rather than totally annihilating it. The motion of earth after the impact created a whipping motion of particles, sending them out and away from our world. These particles collected over a very long period of time, clustering together to form the celestial mass that we have dubbed "the lunar wonder". This could very well explain why there are traces of substance on the moon's surface that are very similar to the earth's surface.

The Protector

I truly believe that things happen for a reason. Take into consideration that even before life existed here on earth as we know it, the moon has acted as a sort of bodyguard against deadly space debris. The moon has taken the blunt of many heinous collisions, both big and small, preventing the destruction of our oasis. These nasty collisions are what carved out the man in the moon and as you very well know, the moon's surface is covered with craters of varying size. Its a beautiful thought to know that even though the moon is constantly in motion, it is always in the right place at the right time.

A Sacred Thing

The moon has been praised far and wide for its beauty and majestic influence for thousands of years. Only in this day and age do we forget to look upon these things that we take for granted, and one reason is because of the very thing that allows me to write this article, a laptop. The ancient cultures had the wisdom that brought about a greater peace though. The Harvest moon was the creation of Norse mythology, and they believed that it granted Loki's blessing for a strong harvest. Its so simple, but when life is the inspiration of happiness, it proclaims a confidence. That's a powerful vibe to tap into and we still have this magnificent power.

Also, the cultural aspect of werewolves stems from Europe centuries ago. Werewolves have always been accepted in stories as being turned into the hairy monsters under the power of the moon's gaze. Believe it or not, but this is where we get the word "lunacy". Simply put, the moon is present everywhere. To the great glow in the sky, I give a big shout out!

In conclusion, unless there is a bird overheard, please do look up.

* January - Wolf moon only
* February - Ice moon
* March - Storm moon
* April - Growing moon
* May - Hare moon
* June - Mead moon
* July - Hay moon
* August - Corn moon
* September - Harvest moon
* October - Hunter's moon
* November - Snow moon
* December - Winter moon

Stumble it!


Anonymous said...

Did you take that picture? I have a Nikon d40 and I tried taking a picture but didn't have the best view or the know-how to get a good shot. Not to mention I only had a 18-55 lens last time. I tried taking some pics lst night of the crescent moon but it was moving so fast to take a shot with a slow shutter speed meant a little blur. Still playing with the settings but that picture you've got up is magnificent.

 Tennyson Williams said...

I sheepishly admit that the pic is a creative commons photo. I first made the effort to take a pic of the harvest moon while it was going on, but I couldn't get it right. All of my years of studying cinematography didn't do me justice because I have a very crappy camera. I have used a Nikon d40 though and I really dug it. I should just go out and buy one.

Anonymous said...

I just bought it about a month and a half ago. I'm still learning. I got some nice shots of a crescent moon last night. I wish it was closer though. It's gonna take me some time to learn how to use all the settings correctly as opposed to point ans shoot